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Reading Support for Homeschooling Families


Is your child struggling to

learn to read?


Are you not sure what to do or how to help your child to read?


Do you just want to hand over the overwhelming task to an expert?


By partnering with us, you can trust that your child’s reading skills are in capable hands, freeing you to nurture their growth in other subjects and interests.

Let US teach your child who is struggling to learn to read

  • Two to three times a week we will work with your child 1:1. 

  • Your child will learn to break up words into parts and syllables. 

  • All instruction is customized and specifically targeted to what YOUR child needs.

  • Each session is designed to take your child as far as they can go.

  • Everything is taught in a FUN way. 

  • They will never know they are learning 😉 !

Our intention is to help YOUR child LOVE to read!!

In addition to the 1:1 instruction, you will also receive:

  • FREE access to Raz-Kids Plus ($220 yearly value).

  • FREE access to various other educational sites (, & more!!).

  • a personalized Google Classroom of extra material for you to use to support your teaching of phonics on the days we don’t meet.

  • extra supplemental material will be added as we find a trouble spot and more practice is needed.

  • access to schedule a once-a-month parent-teacher conference 

Let us help YOU give the gift of 

loving to read to your child!!

A cute cartoon owl with big eyes on a leafy branch, serving as the logo for the "My Happy Teacher" website.
A cute cartoon owl with big eyes on a leafy branch, serving as the logo for the "My Happy Teacher" website.
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