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What are your tutoring rates?

All of our tutors have an extensive background and are considered experts in their field.
We use systematic explicit reading instruction

Tutoring with us is not JUST when we are in session.
You also get:
FREE access to Raz-Kids Plus ($20 a month value)
FREE access to various other educational sites (,, & more!!) that target exactly what YOUR child needs!! ($30+ monthly value)
Access to a personalized Google Classroom of extra material for you to use to reinforce what we worked on during the lessons (as requested)
Extra supplemental material will be added as we find a trouble spot and more practice is needed

Our specialized team understands the challenges from both a parent and teacher perspectives, providing effective strategies and emotional support for long-term success
Our tutoring rate for 1:1 online tutoring and Dyslexia Therapy
Averages $85 an hour (depending on the experience & certifications of the tutor)
We require at least twice a week to make progress.

Example of a Google Classroom

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